Sunday, May 6, 2018

My pet rock

So I'm pretty sure I posted last fall about how Addison picked up some rocks from outside Pizza Ranch and they entertained her for quite some time. Well these rocks have helped us out with a cranky kiddo a number of times. They are stored in a cup on the counter and we bring them out as a "secret weapon" from time to time. She loves to put them in the mug or she might get out some tuperware containers for them.

Addison was "helping" me re-organize some clothing tubs. She found some of Makena's old dress shoes and fancy mittens. I thought they went well with her necklace and jammies :) ha! 

I went back to Humboldt to meet baby Reagan, who apparently I forgot to take a photo of. She was such a sweet heart!! So tiny and sweet :) It makes me sad that we don't get to see her very often! I knew Addison would be mad that I went without her, so I took a quick photo of Rocky & JJ right before I left to try to make her happy! Maybe we can get Addison & Reagan together sometime this summer! 

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