Sunday, May 13, 2018

Growing up too fast!

We have been going for walks whenever it's nice. Addison has always been interested in our shoes, but now she's wanting to put them on us. ha! She has successfully put her own on a few times. 

Addison is a busy mom! She takes her baby for walks around the kitchen, wearing my shoes, rag tucked under her arm and phone in hand. haha! I didn't catch a photo of a it, but she was trying to text with both hands and leaned her forearms on the stroller so she could keep walking. Ha!

I think it's so funny how she tucks her rag under her arm while she's doing something. Last night, she threw a whole load of whites from the washer to the dryer with her rag under her arm. I thought for sure the rag would end up in the dryer with the other clothes, but it didn't! 

Addison is loving me bake. Okay, she really just loves to dump and stir. This is a challenge for me because we end up with ingrediants everywhere. But I keep telling myself "at least she hasn't dumped the whole bowl on the floor yet!" I hope she continues to love to help me bake, I know I love having her help! 

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