Saturday, May 5, 2018

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

It was the weekend before St. Paddy's day, but we had to wear our festive outfit anyways! We spent Saturday and Sunday at the Ames house. We need to get more photos with family, Addison wasn't especially photogenic that day, this is the best we got!

I went shopping with Aunt Kelly & Grandma Rita, and I found a car ramp at Duckworth. Addison loved Nolan's so we had to buy her one! 

Addison and Aunt Kelly! This one turned out pretty good. Then Addison ate a ton for supper but still wanted cake with Grandma Rita. You can just tell she's bursting at the seams but loves that cool whip!

Parker reading Addison some bedtime stories. Addison can kind of say Parker's comes out "Parper" and sometimes can be confused with "Papa"

I had to work that Sunday and was very short staffed at work so I recruited Ryan to help. Addison stayed with the family, so we went out to HP afterwards. Ryan was sooo excited to order ice cream. And he ate the whole thing himself. Not kidding. ha! :) 

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