Monday, May 7, 2018

Fun with Friends!

The Noltings' were able to come visit on a Saturday night in March! It was great to see them and watch Henry & Addison. We had Casey's pizza for supper, it was a hit as always. 

We told the kids to climb up on the couch for a photo. This is what we got. haha!! 

We made them sit next to each other and we still got smiles!! 

Baby Violet!! Addison was not a fan of me holding her, but I did it anyways. Love the baby snuggles! Has anyone noticed that Addison is always wearing beads? I'm so used to it I don't even notice :) 

Had to add this one, look at Henry's face!! I don't remember him making that face, it must have been quick! 

We couldn't coordinate schedules very well, the Thraen's came the next day. Addison felt less threatened by Caleb, haha. They all had fun playing together, can't wait for this summer! Hopefully we can coordinate schedules a few times to get them together. It was fun to see everyone! 

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