Saturday, May 19, 2018

Still hopping....

 Boy Easter at our house lasted quite a while! I thought I was done with Easter photos. Now we are on to Easter Sunday. I thought was funny that Addison had Christmas jammies on while opening her Easter basket :)

Little girl loves owls so she got an owl book and an owl t-shirt. She was pretty excited for both of them. We waited until her birthday to wear her owl shirt :) 

Addison and Kenny had a blast playing with the bubble gun at the Lents Easter. She also loved her Easter basket from Aunt Ginny, she got some of her favorite things: cookies, bubbles, a doll, etc.

Addison didn't quite understand the Easter Egg hunt...she would find an egg or two but then give them to the other kids. ha! But Aunt Ginny again was Addison's favorite, she had yogurt  bites in an egg for Addison. She shoved them all in her mouth at once :) 

This was funny (to me and Ryan anyways), she would hand Ryan the doll and then say to the doll "nooooo...." then she would take the doll back and give her a hug. So after Addison gets in trouble or if she's sad about something, she pouts for a little bit. Then if we say "Do you want a hug?" then she comes and gets her hug then life is good again. ha! We think this is what she was doing with the doll :) 

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