Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Spicy problem!

Ryan was eating chips and salsa one night. Addison is now interested in anything we are eating, she wants to sit on our lap and have some too. We were pretty surprised that she actually ate it....she hasn't had condiments yet so the whole "dipping" concept is new to her. Also, it was spicier than we thought she would like. But she kept eating it!

Parker and Kelly came down for the weekend in March. We stayed one night at our house then headed to Ames to see Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron. Parker and Addison were pretending to sleep on the air mattress in Addison's room. Sidenote: We hadn't used the air mattress in weeks, so two nights ago, Ryan took it down. He's had to sleep on her floor now the last two nights. Go figure! 

Addison grabbed Ryan's hat off the table and thought she was pretty funny. We laugh that she was wearing it backwards because if Ryan puts it on backwards, she points her finger at him and gives him a stern "No!". ha! Also, you will notice that pink necklace in a lot of her photos. Shannon from daycare gave it to her and she wears it non-stop!

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