Monday, May 28, 2018

Now I know my ABC's

Addison was feeding her baby and putting her to sleep. Yup, I got shushed :)

Addison was making her birthday list while shopping at Home Depot. She thought she would like a riding lawn mower. 

Addison was analyzing my retirement account statement. She was offering advice, I think. ha! We have no idea what's 'normal', but we were impressed that she knew her alphabet before she turned 2. This was in the beginning of April, and now at the end of May, she can name letters as we point to them randomly. Everywhere we go, she's reading letters to us. She used to forget the letter "U" and it drove Ryan nuts. He used to correct her and I think she was playing him (at least part of the time). haha!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

More from KC

Addison enjoyed sending Cooper outside and then watching him from the window. She found this very exciting. Much more than Cooper did....she kept wanting to send him out and sometimes he just stood there at the door and stared back at her. This weekend at the farm, she will have three dogs to look out the window at!

Just watching a little Sunday morning movie. Addison didn't always sit still, but she did for a little bit! 


It was such a fun weekend, glad we had time to visit. We will get to MN to see those cousins in a few weeks! 

Addison was very in to watching them play wii. And giving hi-fives when they did good. When she gives hi-fives, she says "up high" ha!

And Aunt Nicole! She finally warmed up to everyone Sunday morning when we were getting ready to leave.

About two miles after we left, she was passed out. She only slept about an hour though. 

First McDonald's happy meal. And that nibble was about all she ate. ha! She did eat a few fries though. 

It was a good trip and Addison did well in the car both ways. Can't wait to go back this summer to go swimming outside and ride in the golf cart!! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Trip to KC

The first weekend in April we took a little trip to see Landon, Nicole & Brayden. We hadn't been there in ages! The photos above were at their friends' house, who has a trampoline in the back basement. Addison was in awe of the older kids. And she took a quick liking to Peyton's baby doll, haha.

Brayden was told he couldn't watch his iPad, he had to talk to us at dinner. But we gave Addison her iPad when she got done eating so we could have a peaceful dinner. Turns out, Brayden will watch Bubble Guppies. Apparently it doesn't matter what's on the iPad, just that he's watching it. haha!!

Brayden was holding a wash cloth on his eyes, they were swelling up with his allergies. 

And Addison doesn't care how close someone gets to her, as long as she's watching the iPad. ha! If she didn't have that iPad, I bet Uncle Landon wouldn't be that close!! 

Addison & Cooper. She was pretty excited to see Cooper! I'm not sure the feeling was mutual. Although, I did teach her how to give Cooper a belly rub. 

She crawled right in the guest bed but we had to kick her out :) 

She kept trying to put on Brayden's soccer gloves. They almost fit. 

We don't have photos but we also took her swimming at their club. She wasn't sure about the water and clung on tight, but she liked it more when Brayden was with us. She thought he was pretty funny. By the end, she was splashing and having a good time! 

Monday, May 21, 2018

Addy's new glasses

This photo makes me laugh.....She fell asleep sitting up one morning. She watches Bubble Guppies while I get ready in the morning and apparently this day she got up too early. She has a scowl on her face because the flash on my camera went off, oops! 

Getting ready to go for a walk! "walk" is the magic word around our house. She will drop whatever she's doing and run to put her shoes on. 

Parker gave us his Mr. Potato Head but Addison thinks the accessories are for her! She tries to wear the hat, shoes, mouth, glasses, etc. Maybe we need to buy the kid some dress up clothes!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

White eggs are my favorite

I had to get some photos with Addison and her first dyed eggs. She had looked at them on the counter for a few days, so she got used to the color eggs - ha! 

But notice there are still two white eggs in the baskets.....we had to stop dying because she was so upset. The white ones were her favorite! 

She enjoyed playing with the eggs and taking them out of one basket to put in another. 

I get better smiles when Ryan is jumping around behind me, ha! 

She wore those gold glitter shoes as those were the only other shoes besides her tennis shoes and slippers that she has. I'm pretty sure her toes were scrunched. But she didn't complain. (I think I'm up for the Mom of the Year award, haha.)

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Still hopping....

 Boy Easter at our house lasted quite a while! I thought I was done with Easter photos. Now we are on to Easter Sunday. I thought was funny that Addison had Christmas jammies on while opening her Easter basket :)

Little girl loves owls so she got an owl book and an owl t-shirt. She was pretty excited for both of them. We waited until her birthday to wear her owl shirt :) 

Addison and Kenny had a blast playing with the bubble gun at the Lents Easter. She also loved her Easter basket from Aunt Ginny, she got some of her favorite things: cookies, bubbles, a doll, etc.

Addison didn't quite understand the Easter Egg hunt...she would find an egg or two but then give them to the other kids. ha! But Aunt Ginny again was Addison's favorite, she had yogurt  bites in an egg for Addison. She shoved them all in her mouth at once :) 

This was funny (to me and Ryan anyways), she would hand Ryan the doll and then say to the doll "nooooo...." then she would take the doll back and give her a hug. So after Addison gets in trouble or if she's sad about something, she pouts for a little bit. Then if we say "Do you want a hug?" then she comes and gets her hug then life is good again. ha! We think this is what she was doing with the doll :) 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Like mother like daughter

Pretending to be a dog. :) 

This was back in March, she just started mimicking us. We have a lot of fun with it. She also will mimic noises, like "hmmm". It's quite entertaining! 

Another way she's like mom.....She did this in her play kitchen sink. Matched up colors and make all the utensils go the same way. 

And another night she organized her plates. ha! 

Ryan is bound and determined to get her hair in a full ponytail. So he attempts it when I'm at work. We are getting closer!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Easter Church

Grandpa Ron & Grandma Rita

She would only take a photo with us if we had the green ball :) 

Ryan and I went out to lunch and left Addison with Grandma & Grandpa. Shortly after we left, she crawled up onto Grandpa Ron's lap and within a minute, she was asleep.

The tricks Parker teaches Addison! 

She was loving my beanie babies. We have a wwwwhole trunk of them now.....