Friday, April 13, 2018

San Diego Trip

Life has been pretty busy, I need to get back to updating the blog! It's almost been 2 months since our San Diego trip! 

I wanted to take a photo of her so excited for her 2nd vacation on a plane. The photo above is what I got :) Ha! It was a packed waiting area and she was NOT wanting to sit still. Which was fine, but she couldn't decide what she wanted to do. She threw at least 3 fits in 20 minutes. I'm positive everyone in that waiting area was praying they wouldn't sit next to us! 

She was pretty excited about the airplanes. 

Grandma Rita said we needed to take lots of photos so she can scrapbook for us. 

The best one we could get in the plane. Addison sat on my lap, it was a little crowded but by golly we weren't going to pay for a seat when we didn't have to! 

I should have taken a photo of the massive fit she threw in the plane. I was so worked up, I was sweating. Ryan appeared much more calm. Addison just screamed and screamed "want down, want down, want down". We both knew the game was over if we let those little feet touch the floor, so we wrestled her. NO toys, movies, iPad worked. Nothing. We were a little over an hour into what ended up being an 4.5 hour flight. I had no clue what we were going to do or how we were going to calm her down. Ryan ended up taking her back to the airline attendants area and standing back there with her. The attendants were super nice and tried to help but nothing worked. I sat in the seats and listened to her scream. The lady in the row behind us was traveling with 3 boys and a nanny, she assured me that it's okay and Addison is louder to me than anyone else! She told me she's been in my place and knows it's stressful. It did make me feel better. SOMEHOW, Ryan got her to fall asleep. It wasn't even close to nap time so we were shocked. She slept for about 2.5 hours. Whew. Then she woke up and watched Frozen on the airline TV (that was a game changer, kid loves Olaf). 

First time riding facing forward. Ryan and I thought she would be SO excited. She didn't seem to notice. haha! 

Addison and her styling shades. She hadn't worn them for months but she actually loved them. And left them on!

Shooting hoops in Cousin Nolan's backyard. 

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