Saturday, April 14, 2018

San Diego Post #2

She actually ASKED Uncle Brad to put her in the hammock. Shocking! She is sooo timid/scared of other people. She goes to Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron and that's it. She barely lets anyone take her, especially if we were there. Guess that hammock was worth it!! 

 They have a pretty awesome house with an awesome view over a park. Addison liked to stand at the railing and look at the dogs/people in the park.

First time with sidewalk chalk! She did better than I thought she would. So she got some in her Easter basket :) 

Uncle Ryan and Garrett! I didn't caption the reaction from Addison to this photo. She was stunned and starting wailing. It took us a second to figure it out. She DID NOT want to share her dad. Shortly after this, I was sitting on the couch with Garrett on my lap and she climbed up and tried to discreetly keep pushing him so eventually he wouldn't be on my lap :) ha! 

She enjoyed playing with Nolan's kitchen - it makes noise! 

These two goofballs didn't get much eating done.....they were laughing and copying each other. They had a blast! 

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