Sunday, April 29, 2018

Mom & Addy

Found some more on Ryan's phone. Mom & Addy don't have many photos together but here are a couple. The one on the left, I was actually sitting on the couch (doesn't happen often!) and she wanted to sit with me. Although she doesn't appear happy, I think she was - ha! 

Addison is learning the meaning of "Can you get me a pop (or beer)?" She knows to go to the fridge and she does pretty good about getting us the right item. She knows Ryan drinks the blue cans (Pepsi) and I drink the green/white cans (Diet Dew). She loves re-stocking the fridge too. 

FINALLY getting her to drink out of a different sippy cup. We usually do water in these cups and finally tried milk to see if she would drink it. It took LOTS of trying and convincing (weeks of it) and finally got her to try it. She will drink out of the other cups sometimes, but usually throws a fit for her regular cup. 

She had ate a ton one night and then wanted a snack right at bedtime. Ryan thought she was just trying to delay bedtime, so he told her she could have a carrot. We gave Kelly a hard time because that's what she would always give Parker for a bedtime snack. What a rotten bedtime snack, at least give Parker some dip for it!! haha! So we joked about it that night and gave her a carrot. She liked it. It made her happy. ha! 

This was in March, it was a little chilly but nice enough to get outside to the park! We have had a very long, cold winter. Usually in February/March there are some warmer days sprinkled in. Last February it was almost 70 one day. Not this year!! :(  It's the very end of April and it's just starting to warm up! Grandpa Ron just got in the field yesterday! 

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