Tuesday, April 17, 2018

San Diego Post #5

This one looks like an odd angle, apparently I didn't adjust it before upload it. She was just staring at her feet as she walked. 

Sorry kiddo, you didn't have sandals. I dug out the pink sandals from last summer and we tried them on. Your toes curled to fit in them but you still ran around the basement in them! We didn't pack them and made you wear tennis shoes. 

But we at least took them off so you could feel the sand between your toes! 

You weren't so sure about getting your feet dirty. And the water was pretty cold!! 

The family selfie turned out pretty good! 

Lots of pictures to scrapbook! It was a beautiful beach, however I could have went for 95 degrees :) It just seems wrong to wear pants and long sleeves on a beach. 

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