Wednesday, April 18, 2018

San Diego Post #6

Rule #1 - If mom or dad hold Garrett, they hold Addison too. 

My little teenager at the dinner table. That cell phone has been a lifesaver though! It has saved us at many dinners and on car rides! It stays in the diaper bag so it's a "treat". It's so funny because the dog on the screen will say bye and wave, Addison says "bye" and waves back :) 

She did this without prompting. And yes she is wearing sunglasses. 

Ready for a day at the zoo! Kids are checking out the maps to see where they want to go first.

The pictures don't show it, but Addison was not real fond of the gorilla statues. And there is no picture to show my little caged animal.....Once you let Addison get out of the stroller, it's a fight to get her back in!

Nolan likes the statues :) 

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