Wednesday, April 25, 2018

San Diego Post #10

Yup we took a ton of photos on our trip! Still not done yet......

Racing down the slide..... Team Lents won!! Ha :) 

Funny looking tree in the cactus park.

Tuckered out after lots of playing. 

Family photo at the seal beach. We thought it was pretty cool, but we couldn't really get Addison to see the seals. They wouldn't move and were just lumps on the rocks. We did see a few move that she might have seen. 

We stopped at a spot where they do lots of wedding ceremonies, we thought it was a perfect photo opportunity. 

Smiling kids! 

We were in La Jolla at a war memorial (if I remember correctly).

One of Addison's favorite past-times. Picking sock fuzzies out of her toes! It makes her so happy, haha! :) If she's cranky, just pull her socks off and tell her to pick the lint. I have no idea why her socks leave so much but they do and we are okay with that! haha!

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