Sunday, April 22, 2018

San Diego Post #7

Addison wasn't scared of the elephant statue though. Nolan's favorite are the elephants so we had to stop for a photo!

Petting the camel statue

We let the little firecracker out of the stroller to play at the tiny park. She enjoyed the climbing but wasn't quite as good as Nolan and couldn't walk across the toadstools. 

It's amazing what little things impresses you as a parent. She was trying so hard to climb over the bucket of this skidloader. I gave her a boost a couple times but then I wanted to see if she could do it. She worked really hard and was finally able to climb over! Ha! We were pretty proud. And then we decided it was time to move on and it took two of us to put her back in her stroller :) 

Just having a little snack - she looks like she's been caught red-handed :) 

I tried to take a picture of the kids with the waterfall but it was too dark in the cave and didn't turn out. But it was pretty cool! 

Addison loves the hippos in her books and gets really excited when she see them. So we were pretty excited to show her a real hippo at the zoo. Of course she was taking a short nap when we walked through the hippos, I was pretty bummed. They had a baby hippo in the pool with the mom. We are planning to get to Omaha this summer so hopefully she can see a hippo there! 

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