Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Videos from March

This is one of my favorites - we were watching The Amazing Race.....she found this night especially amazing :) ha! 

I was pretty impressed that she put my boots on, while standing, and then walked across the kitchen. She LOVES to walk around in my shoes! Tonight she was walking around in a pair of dress shoes but thankfully took them off before trying to go down the stairs.

And this video is on the Little Blue Truck. We used to do this to Makena and she loved it! Addison enjoys it as well. We tell her to put her feet up and then send her flying. Ryan warned her one time, "I'm going to launch you" and then he did. The truck flipped over and she landed nose first in the carpet! I yelled as it scared me too! Ryan told her to get up and brush it off, she got up, looked me, and that little lip just quivered. I told her to get back on the truck. I could tell she wanted to cry but she didn't. She got back on. I was so proud of her (and not me for picking her up and letting her cry, haha). However, when I sent her over to Ryan.....she quickly backed up with her feet so he couldn't push her! haha!

This is a sidenote, but I don't want to forget. I didn't get a picture or a video, but lately she has been using our old cell phones (or any toy really) and pretending to call people. Her most popular people to call are Mom, Grandpa Ron, and JJ (yes she calls a dog). She says "Hello?? Grandpa??" then she listens for a while. Then when "talking" to Grandpa, she usually asks about JJ :) Sometimes she asks about Grandma. Then she "listens" for a while longer then says "Wuv you, bye" - her version of Love You. It is soo stinking adorable, I just love it!

Also, whenever Ryan's phone rings she says "Mom??" And she's always correct (Ryan doesn't get many other calls). When my phone rings she says "Grandpa??" this makes me laugh, because my dad doesn't call me a ton. We always call him. And we call him and talk to JJ too. So I really think she's HOPING it's Grandpa so she can talk to JJ! ha! Girl loves that dog. (I didn't even push her to like him, ha!)

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