Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

This picture is a great representation of Addison.....She is starting to move everywhere and not sit still!! 

But we can still get her to sit a little bit. Yes, I realize she only has one sock on. I told you before, that's how she rolls! 

Picture of my favorite things: Addison, Christmas Tree and Christmas outfits! She loves them all too as you can see. Again, outfit credit to Grandma Rita.

And our new stockings! The little toy behind Addison is one of her favorites. It sings a catchy little Christmas song that Ryan and I love too. Yes our stockings do spell "BAR". When I got the stockings, Makena told me I could either spell BAR or BRA. I chose BAR. haha! 

This is a normal sight anymore. When we put the carseat cover on, her peripheral vision is blocked so she has to pull down the cover. Sometimes she uses two hands. It's so cute. haha!  

 Playing with the tree and the presents! She does like the tree and the presents but she isn't too rough. She just gets glitter all over herself which drives Ryan nuts. But we don't care :)

She likes to flip the presents around but has done surprisingly well of keeping them out of her mouth. She does not however keep her thumb out of her mouth. She was actually sucking pretty good on her thumb in the tub, so we had to send this picture to Aunt Tracey :) Tracey wants to bet who can get their kid to quit first. I bet we do. haha! 

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Just had to see Santa again.....

Wed. Dec. 7, our photographer was doing free photos with Santa in Ames. The ad failed to say the photos were outside! It was about 20 degrees outside, but I'm not sure what the wind chill was. Ryan and Addison came to Ames to meet me after work. Ryan didn't put a coat, hat, or blanket on her. I had a blanket in my car so I threw that in the car. Never in a million years did I think the picture was going to be outside!

Well it was outside. It was a short line so we thought it would go quick. Well it probably did, but it sure didn't feel like it! Her poor little nose and fingers were red. Sorry kid. 

It was a really good Santa, and his yard was all decked out. Next year we will bring a coat :) 

My sad baby. She was pretty sad this night and I'm not sure why. She had been at Grandma Rita's this day, maybe she didn't want to come home! 

This one made me laugh.....We were reading books and she fell asleep during Hop on Pop. Love how you can see her crazy hair!! 

Got this picture from my dad while I was in class. He asked if Addison was listening to the game on the radio while watching it :) By the way, we returned the goofy headphones after that game as Ryan said they were worthless. We thought they might help her sleep during games because people clapping always makes her jump. She still jumped.

Where in the world is Addison?? 

She's at Hickory Park of course!! Can't believe it was 7 months before she got to experience one of her Mom and Dad's all-time favorite places. Hickory Park holds a special place in mom's heart as it was her first job out of college. I loved that job and learned so much about customer service and business in general from that place. Plus, the food is amazing! It will be one of many trips for little Addison!

Friday, December 23, 2016

First Snow

Addison saw her first snowfall!! We woke up to it snowing on Dec. 4. She did like to stand at the window and watch the big flakes. The picture above was the best her parents were going to do to photograph her first snow :) 

Sent this picture to my siblings....this was Makena's sweatshirt. One of my favorite pictures of Makena was in this sweatshirt. It was her first birthday and Landon, Nicole & I took her to the Mall of America. We bought her ice cream and Landon gave her a GIANT spoonful. I should get the picture of my external hard-drive. But not tonight. 

By the way, the comments I received were all about her only wearing one sock. They don't see her enough to know that's the only way she rolls. For real. We are lucky there is one sock on! 

Ryan's Aunt Ginny sent her this outfit and we love it! Of course I added the goofy bow. 

 Practicing standing! I love the expressions...." let go!"

Dad's quick reflexes before she hit the ground! Ha!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Week 31

I'm pretty sure this picture was from when I was in class and sent Ryan a text "Send me a picture of Addison". I do that about every night :) 

Addy loves herself some butternut squash!! Mom lets her make a mess, Dad gets mad :) Drives Ryan crazy that she makes a mess! Only thing I will complain about is when she blows raspberries with a mouth full of food. It only takes once for me to learn to move my computer and not feed her in my dress clothes! haha!

"Mom, I love giant bows"

This was the first time she started to touch the lights. 

"I'm ready to move!" 
This picture is about 3 weeks old now....she is moving but not quite on all 4's. Her crawl is more similar to the worm :) I think this was the point she got up in the plank position a lot. Apparently working on her core. ha! 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Julius Thanksgiving

``112````1` (Addison's contribution to the blog)

We spent Thanksgiving day at the Skjeveland's house. Everyone but Landon, Nicole & Brayden were there. Kelly, Dave & Parker took a family photo, so we thought we should too :)

Thanksgiving fell on my birthday this year. Addison liked the glitter hat Kelly made me wear!

Addison had her first gambling experience. We bet on the scores each quarter from the football game. Addison won the 4th quarter. I can't remember how much she won now, I think it was $12.

And she won on her lottery ticket from dinner. Winner, Winner Turkey Dinner! I think she won $6 on this ticket. Ryan put her money in her piggy bank. And yes, I insisted on taking a picture of her first winning lottery ticket.....and it immediately went in her mouth!

Grandpa Ron showed Addison how to hold her own bottle. We have tired but she never holds it after we let go. But she did for Grandpa Ron!

Grandpa Ron, Grandma Rita, and the grandkids (except Brayden). Parker (8), Addison (7 months), Makena (10) and Conner (9). They were told they couldn't have dessert unless they took a good picture for me. Parker was smiling and waiting....kid loves dessert!

And one more in front of Tracey's tree! It was a good Thanksgiving. Oh yea, I almost forgot to list all Addison's firsts on Nov. 24, 2016:
- First THanksgiving (obviously)
- First time celebrating Mom's birthday
- Saw snow on the ground
-Saw 4 GIANT wild Turkeys in Tracey's backyard
- Gambled - lottery tickets and sports betting
-WON. ya know, I did have a classmate in college who paid for college from gambling....maybe that's Addison's goal!! `

Monday, December 19, 2016


On November 22, the day Addison turn 7 months, we decided to get all dressed up and take some photos. This giant bow was actually pretty heavy, she kept pulling at it so it was only on for photos! 

We sent this picture to Cousin Erin because we went to Bass Pro. Erin loves her some camo!! 

SANTA! Her and Santa were best buds. She immediately pulled on his beard. Yup, it's real! Bass Pro lets you take your own photos on your phone but they give you a nice one in a free frame. No Erin, the frame isn't camo :) This one was off my phone, I need to scan in the other one. I think she asked for some paper from the doctor's office that she can scrunch up loudly. 

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Crazy Kid

I was washing dishes and Addison somehow flipped over her in swing. She didn't get mad right away, but it didn't take long!

Henry let us borrow his "johnny-jump-up" contraption. She didn't quite know how to jump in it, but she flung around and hit the door right away, haha!

This was about three weeks ago now, we should try it again. I bet she would have the jumping thing down now! She jumps like crazy in the exersaucer and tries to jump in our arms. Crazy kid.

And it's been too long since I took this picture that I don't remember what we were doing.....but I take a lot of pictures so it's not surprising!