Friday, July 15, 2016

First Mother's Day

We celebrated our first Mother's Day on Sunday May 8. Nothing too special this year, just hung out as a FAMILY. Still weird to say that! It was a relaxing day. We were still a little too nervous to take Addison out to a restaurant, so we ate at home. It was a pretty good day!

On May 10, it was a pretty nice night out so we had our first beer on the deck of the summer. Mom & Dad used to have beers on the deck a lot before you came along! You were not too fond of the first time, but since then you have come to like our beer on the deck times :)
Later that same week, you and I had our first trip to TJ Maxx together. We bought you a bow. You have lots of bows! You are now 11 weeks old and I have lost count of how many times you have been to TJ's.

You are 2.5 weeks old in the pictures below.

This is your first Cabbage Patch Kid! Her name is Gwenyth and your cousin Makena gave her to you. I gave Makena her Cabbage Patch Kid. I LOVED (& still do) my Cabbage Patch Kids when I was little. They were my favorite "toy". They are the one thing Grandma Rita kept of mine and I'm so happy she did! I said this is your first, because I will buy you many many more. I'm ready to buy more right now! Your dad says no. Ha!

This picture you are starting to stretch out a little bit.

We got a stroller from Tracey, Kelly & Nicole for our shower. We had to order a crazy attachment to fit your car seat, so you didn't go on your first walk until you were 12 days old. You were not thrilled at first but were asleep by the time we were two houses away. We only went about 4 blocks and got home right as it started to rain! You love our daily walks now! I will miss our morning walks when I go back to work :(
I took you to your two week appointment by myself. I was pretty nervous but we did okay. You weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and length was 20 in. Funny how you shrank....
This is one of my favorite videos - I love baby sneezes! They might just be the cutest thing ever! Your whole body gets into them. This isn't a great video but it's all I got. I still think it's cute.
The weekend of May 14, you got to see some of your cousins. Kelly, Parker & Conner came from Minnesota. This was your first time meeting Parker & Conner. Conner told Tracey he didn't care if he met you until you were four years old and he could play with you! Ha! Typical Conner. Parker was pretty excited. Nicole, Landon & Brayden also came from Kansas City. This was your first time meeting Landon & Brayden. They appeared excited to meet you as well. We tried to get a few good pictures.

Look at that hair! Everyone comments on your hair. We still can't believe you had hair. Your dad asks you every single day "when are you going to get more hair?"

Grandma Rita showing you around her house in Ames.

Conner & Brayden! I asked Conner if he wanted to hold you, expecting him to say no, but he actually seemed excited and said yes!

Parker had no hesitation in holding you.

Uncle Landon! Remember, you can only believe about half of what this crazy guy says.....but he will teach you some pretty cool games. Just make sure he doesn't cheat :)

Brayden was pretty nervous but did a great job holding you. This is his dog Cooper. We all laughed because Cooper came over and posed himself in front of Brayden. He didn't want to be left out of all the pictures! He's a good dog :)

Just missing Makena!

Parker again.
It was good weekend but we were all pretty tired. I think the three of us took naps when we got home Sunday!


  1. FIRST TRIP TO TJ MAXX!!!!!!!!!! And Happy First Mother's Day!

    1. I'm wondering if you ran into Lu at her first TJ's trip? hehe :)
