Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Week 4

Week 4 started out with our first trip out to eat. We decided on Pizza Ranch as we were a little nervous about going out to eat. This way we didn't have to wait for food and could leave at anytime if Addison was cranky. She was perfectly quiet and slept the whole time!

On Addison's one month birthday, we had some visitors! Ryan's aunt Ginny, cousin Mallory and Ally and Veronica came to visit. It was great to have visitors and they brought food as well!

These two were great with Addison and had no hesitation! They have had practice with their little brothers. They are the sweetest girls! Last Thanksgiving when we announced we were expecting, Ally brought me her brother who was only a month old and told me I could hold him so I could get some practice :)

This is one of my favorite pictures of my sleeping beauty!

One month old!


Decided since it's too hard for us to get a picture in the bath, we can take one as we dry off. I was giving baths all by myself and it was hard enough! Yes I lay her on the floor to dry her off, ha!

This picture was from one of our shopping trips. She pulled her burp rag up like a blanket.

This picture is included to show Uncle Landon that she isn't always the happiest baby ever! Ha! This one only lasted a few seconds. Then she was asleep.

Love this picture!

Not much to say about week 4 but pictures are just as good anyways!

1 comment:

  1. The crying pics always make me giggle - well as long as it doesn't last too long for you! :)
