Thursday, July 21, 2016

New Little Cyclone

Now onto week 6! These weeks are moving fast. At this point I was in the middle of two classes. One was online and one I went to class. So two nights a week Ryan and Addison got some Dad/Daughter time. They will get quite a lot of time together these next two semesters!
I was in class one night and got the pictures below. I must be rubbing off on Ryan - he is dressing Addison up and posing her :)

This was the first big smile we caught on camera! Love it. The onesie was given to us by my friend Lacey. I made a picture extra big so maybe you can read the writing. I thought it was a super cute idea. Now it's hanging in a shadow box in Addison's room with the above pictures. This was also the first cyclone outfit we put on her.

We went out for lunch with Ryan this day. She didn't make a peep!

Put this outfit on for Aunt Nicole - She was thrilled. This outfit was actually Makena's and we found it in a bucket of clothes that didn't sell on Tracey's garage sales. All her ISU stuff apparently sold, but no one wanted the Buckeye stuff. Haha! We wear it for Aunt Nicole.....and of course to make Hawk fans mad :)

She was fussy one day when I needed to get stuff done. So I tried the Baby Bjorn. Wasn't quite sure how to put such a little baby in it. I laughed hysterically because her arms are supposed to go through the holes she is peering out of. I don't know why I found it so funny but I did.

We tried a dress on for the wedding we were going to the following weekend. My cousin Erin bought Addison this dress for her shower. Erin's brother Scott  got married and the dress fit perfectly. I was pretty proud of myself for trying it on her a week early to make sure it fit. Pictures from the wedding in the next post! (Oh the suspense)

1 comment:

  1. I have always wondered how those baby bjorn things work, they make them sound so easy ... I like how she is using her arm holes as a way to peak out, lol!!!
