Monday, July 11, 2016

As I said in the previous post, the first week was super easy. Addison slept all the time and we had to wake her up to eat. We loved seeing her eyes open! She was so sleepy and curled up. I already miss her being so little.

But let's go back to the hospital, I failed to mention some important things! I didn't mention before, she was 7 lbs 7 oz and 20 1/4 in. long when born. I also forgot to mention her hair!! We were sooo surprised to see she had hair. And dark hair! It's almost a rat tail in the back but not quite. But it was longer in the back. We love her hair :)
It was such a relief to me to hear her cry!

Here is a picture of dad. Mom doesn't like her pictures :) Ha!

First bath by the nurse. You cried :)

Grandma Rita & Makena - who looks happier?

Grandpa Dale

Aunt Kelly. Sorry Tracey, it apparently wasn't my phone we took your picture with!

Going home! Grandma Rita bought this super cute ladybug outfit. It was huge on you! Good thing no one else was in the room when Mom & Dad were dressing was quite entertaining! We managed though. You would have thought I had never dressed a baby before.

We were so excited to go home! Ryan was going to miss the unlimited fountain pop though.

You were so tiny in the car seat!

Grandma Evonne

First time dad is giving you a bottle.

First bath Mom & Dad gave you. Notice you are on the changing pad after the bath. There was no way we could manage a picture during the bath.....we could have used about four more hands :)

Dad loves to tickle you with his hair. So Silly.

Grandpa Ron met you a few days later. It was April so he was planting. It was raining on Wednesday so he came to visit and have supper. You were awake a good portion of the time he visited!

Grandma Rita's favorite newborn photo

Henry!! You got to meet Mom's best friend Lisa and her crazy man Henry. Henry was 11 months old in this picture and you were 8 days old. You were making noises and he tried to imitate you. Loudly. We thought it was hilarious!

Mom loved you sleeping in her arms. I took this picture and sent it to your dad at work. I am constantly sending him and Grandma Rita pictures at work!

Yes Mom loves to dress you up and take pictures!

We didn't see this face too often. I saw this face A LOT this day. Sent this picture to Ryan to tell him he better hurry home!!
The two doctor's appointment went well. Addison was gaining weight at 7 lbs 15 oz. Addison has a birthmark on her shoulder and her finger. The doctor wasn't concerned about either. Addison was sleeping well. We had heard so many horror stories about switching kids from the Rock & Play to the crib, so we tried the crib early. She started sleeping in her crib at 10 days old and it's worked great for us. Swaddling was not Addison's favorite thing. We swaddled till she was about a month old then realized she loved having her arms out.

As everyone already knows, I love pictures. So there will be a lot of pictures in this blog. And there will be tons of photo books made in Shutterfly :)

On May 7, we had the Julius side shower. You slept the whole time!! Everyone loved holding you and we got so many amazing gifts. We are lucky to have such awesome family & friends!

Meeting Aunt Nicole!! Nicole got to you before Landon :)

Friends with babies! Amy & Emery and Lisa & Henry.

Meeting Cousin Erin! She was sooo excited to finally meet you.

Henry's dad Justin. He just came into the shower so he could hold you!

You with your cakes and décor. Your Aunts did a good job

Here's Aunt Tracey! We sent this picture to Makena, she couldn't come to your shower because she had a track meet.

1 comment:

  1. Can't get over how adorable she is! Was so exciting to finally meet her!
