Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week 5

Well now we are week 5. She's sleeping pretty good but not napping a ton. Doesn't cry as much as in week 3 and 4. In the picture below, she can't take her eyes off the Cubs game. I think she is waiting for Addison Russell to get up to bat.
Ryan decided we should get some actual in the bath photos. Probably a good idea. She doesn't seem to love or hate the bath. She just tolerates it straight faced. Doesn't get mad when she gets in or out. Sometimes she gets mad when we dry her off, but I think it's just because she's cold! I think it was shortly after this we had to switch to the bath chair. Addison learned how to push off with her feet and move around in this tub!

Addison's first rainbow! I was doing homework and looked out the window and saw a really clear rainbow. So of course we took Addison outside to get her picture taken. You can't see but she is also wearing her rainbow pants that day :) There are two photos as it was a full rainbow. It was also a double rainbow but you can't really see that in the pictures.

Addison's first glimpse of a smile was on May 31st. This wasn't the first smile but it was the same week. It's super hard to catch those smiles on camera! Looking back at these photos now, these were her newborn jammies my mom brought to the hospital. I loved them!

First time she fell asleep while we were talking and she was sitting on my knees.

This is one of my favorite photos (have I said that yet?!?) You can't quite see that dimple, but in later photos you will!

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