Monday, July 18, 2016

Trip to the farm

Week 3 started out with a weekend in Ames that I mentioned in the last post. Addison was crying quite a bit more. And I had no idea why! There was one night that she was only sleeping for 45 minute increments and would just scream. Ryan woke up at one point and came downstairs to find both his girls in tears. That was first of quite a few times he would see this throughout my maternity leave! Lack of sleep and frustration got the best of me a few times, but most of my tears were due to frustration/freak-out about my classes or upset about going back to work! Anyways, it really wasn't too bad that week and we made it through. I was nervous we were going down a bad road with the crying but it turned out fine. Just a week with lots of screaming! However my pictures don't show that. But I found one video I sent to Ryan, haha :)

This was a weak cry. I didn't take the time to record the really dramatic ones.

Loved her wrapped up like a little burrito!
Sent the picture below to Grandma Rita. She was bundled up on a walk. Grandma always thinks she needs a blanket!

Week 4 was our trip to the farm! This was taken just as we were leaving. Addison's first trip longer than 40 minutes away, and first time just me and her. The car ride was great, she didn't make a peep!!
This is me just playing and posing her while she sleeps :)

I was so excited to introduce her to her dogs. My dogs are her dogs :) The day we arrived was JJ's 10th birthday. Can't believe he's 10. Seems like only a few years ago my dad and I drove 7 hours to pick him up from a shady shelter in MN.
JJ looks SO GOOD compared to a year ago!! So happy his hair grew back.
JJ would come inside but he was very nervous. Rocky wouldn't come inside the house, just stood outside and barked. Didn't even phase Addison.
JJ is so obsessed with me that we couldn't get him to turn around to look at my mom taking the pictures.
First time in a tractor!

First time in a buddy seat. Grandpa Ron needs to get a tractor with more buddy seats for all the grandkids! That sun kept making her sneeze :)

Friday was Grandpa Ron's birthday! We didn't get to see him much as he was in the field, but we did get to tell him happy birthday.
I love going home and I don't get there enough. It's hard with working weekends and school. But we will make more time as Addison gets older!! Plus I just plain miss my dogs :)
Rocky saying good-bye. It was a pretty short trip, only there about 24 hours. Ryan didn't want us gone more than one night as he misses our little munchkin!
Rocky licked her forehead :)

On Grandpa Ron's birthday Addison turned 4 weeks old.


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