Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Zoo trip and house work

We got a pretty nice day in March so we hit up the zoo! The rope bridge was finally fixed so they were excited to give it a try. I think this was the day that there was a crazy bird running around the inside portion. He was loud, fast, and crazy! Definitely freaked us out and Ryan had to chase him away! 

Check out that comb-over! 

If I remember right, we were trying to watch basketball and needed to entertain the kids so we brought up the sand/water table and filled it with corn! 

I missed this one from earlier in the month when we went to KC for Nolan's bday! This is trouble.... 
They are hauling the bounce house in the back of their gator. Ha! Nolan LOVES to work and have jobs. 

They put jammies on one night...... except they put on the wrong ones! Funny thing though, Addy didn't notice. I noticed when I saw Mason! They laughed pretty hard. 

Trying to get a few things done around the house required the new Cubs toolbox :) The kids always get excited when Ryan brings out the ladder. Ha! 

Pulling two wagons, just like Grandpa Ron! 

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