Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Nolan's Birthday Party

We went to KC for Nolan's Birthday Party at Urban Air. The kids had a blast!! They were hot, sweaty, messes. They enjoyed the cupcakes! 
They love Nolan's birthday parties... they have already asked me what we are doing for his party this year! 

Addison tried to do everything! We got her up on the rock wall but she was pretty scared..... 

All the kids ran so much that day they hardly slowed down for a picture! 

Mason stayed in the basement for hours playing with Landon's tractors. He didn't care if the rest of us were even around! 

Having a snack of peanut butter spoons! 

He wanted me to take a picture to show Grandpa because he had a tractor pulling two wagons, just like Grandpa. 

It was super nice that Sunday so we played outside for a while! 

On our way to KC, we got stopped on the interstate while they were working on installing a bridge. Addison was looking forward to seeing the progress on our way home....but she was asleep. So we took a picture to show her that they installed the bridge overnight - ha! 

Our drive home from KC is usually pretty quiet..... Nolan wears these too out! 

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