Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sledding & Nickelodeon Universe

We went up to Minneapolis for the weekend and got some sledding in with Parker & Kelly. They had a TON of snow. So. Much. Snow. 

I was so cold I didn't want to get my phone out.... but the kids had fun racing Parker down the hill. It was a much bigger hill than when we went sledding in Ames. 

Tracey got us free tickets to Nickelodeon Universe, we had never been! Kelly went with us, it was a good time. Look at Mason's face!! Pure joy! 

Mason loved this carousel ride - now whenever we see carousels (which seems to be often), Mason wants to go. When they cost money, we tell him that he can't ride it without Kelly because she loves carousels - ha! Kelly is standing with him, though it's hard to see her in this picture. 

Addison was sooo excited to do bumper cars by herself! She rode them 3 or 4 times. Mason then said for months "when I get to be 6, I can do bumper cars by myself" - ha! 

They had Nickelodeon themed rides, they were excited to see Bubble Guppies. It was a hot air balloon ride that spun around. They liked it! Addison did a roller coaster with Ryan, I think it was a little too scary for her. But she loved all the others and rode multiple times. 

We ended the day with the Paw Patrol Adventure Bay city. Waited patiently in line about 45 minutes for 20 minutes of play time in the city. I admit, it was pretty cool!! 

The cars were pretty cool! There was also a lookout tower with a slide and other play structures. 

It was a really fun day and hopefully we can go back sometime. The kids had fun! They didn't fall asleep right away, but eventually did and it was a nice ride home :) 

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