Thursday, November 2, 2023

ISU Basketball

Cy was dressed in his "magic" outfit this night. So happy Mason isn't scared this year!! 

Cy came down and sat down right next to Addy! He scared her. Ha! Her cheeks and lips were super chapped. 

Grandpa Ron didn't go to the game so Addison got seat #1. She's pretending to call him on her cell phone and giving him play by play updates. Ha! 

Another clone cone! We don't get one every game, but we do treat the kids every once in a while :) 

Love that smile with a hole! 

I'm not sure they will share the cone so willingly this year..... it will result in arguements for sure! Mason's favorite part of an ice cream cone is the cone itself. ha! We got ice cream cones last weekend and he wanted us to eat the ice cream until we got down to the cone for him. 

Fun with poms. Mason laughed sooo hard. 

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