Sunday, November 12, 2023


It doesn't happen often, but we had some snow on the ground, it wasn't super windy/freezing out, AND the sun was out! And it was on a weekend! It was the day of an ISU basketball game, but it was an 11am game so we went to the game then changed into our snow gear and went sledding. We went to Veneker golf course. Fun was had by all! 

Mason was only 2, but did just fine going down by himself. We had to follow him and carry him back up the hill.... we got our workout! 
The best part of this day was when we sent Addy down first and just she hung out and didn't move at the bottom. Well, Mason was coming! Mason is flying down the hill, straight for Addy. We are at the top of the hill yelling at her.... finally she turns around, screams, and gets out of the way JUST in time. Whew! But to hear Mason tell the story was the funniest as he impersonated her scream "ahhh!" 

The little astronauts at the Science Center! They enjoy the space room. 

Ha - we took this picture as we told Mason "no" and he went and did this. JUST. LIKE. ADDY. Ha! I found it funny, Ryan found it very frustrating and then Addy got in trouble for how Mason was behaving. haha. She used to do this all the time at her age. She's gotten a little better :) 

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