Thursday, November 23, 2023

Taking cover....

I picked the kids up from daycare early one day last spring because there were some big storms brewing. They actually let school out early because of the forecast. Knowing Addison would be freaking out about tornadoes, I picked them up early. We got in the car and Mason told us "We did tornado drills and fire drills today. For fire, we go in the bathroom. For tornadoes we go outside" - Ha! 

Addison was taking cover in the basement, but no tornadoes for us. About 5 miles away! 

Addison got dressed for dance and put her tights on the outside.... crazy kid. Her dance teacher said it's how they used to dress in the 80's. Ha! 

Endless entertainment.... 

Spring conferences and we got to see what Addison had been working on. Her pot of gold made me laugh.... "If I found a pot of gold..... I would bury my treasure". Reminded me of Nolan hiding his treasure (all the dive coins) on the beach and not knowing where they were! Ha! 

Mason loved the bag of books from Kelly. He carries these chapter books with him a lot. Ha! 

He read a chapter book at swimming lessons. Ha! 

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