Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Russell Dickerson

We were going to the Iowa Wild Game and parked in Ryan's parking garage. The kids thought it was pretty cool to "see Dad's work". Addison isn't satisfied though, she wants to go inside and see his desk. Ha! 

Ready for the hockey game! 

The kids' first Iowa Wild game! Addison went to ISU hockey a few years ago but I'm sure she doesn't remember it. 

We just took a picture with the Russell Dickerson jersey instead of buying a ticket and hoping to win it - ha! 

They had fun with the hockey foosball. 

Bought her a souvenir! She had a few RD favorites before the concert and a few of them were on this CD. We have listened to this CD SO MANY TIMES in the last 9 months, I can't believe it still works! Mason even knows what number each song is and the words to the songs. Ha! 

They are getting set up for the concert! We had the debate.... did we go to a hockey game with a concert? Or a concert that had a hockey game? Addy thinks concert, Mason says hockey game. Ha! 

Addison was so excited for her first concert (that she can remember)

Having the time of her life! She knew all the words to a few songs, she sang and danced. And she doesn't usually dance in front of people (besides a dance recital) but she was groovin'. We had probably 4 or 5 people make a point to tell us how impressed they were that she knew all the words. 

Mason wanted to sit on her lap - ha! 

Me and Mason were waiting for Big Wheels - that was our favorite song! Mason had watched that music video on my phone many times. We were so excited when he played it! 

 This was an amazing night! I was surprised how much I enjoyed going to a concert with the kids. They loved it! It got over around 10pm and they were awake and so excited. It was one of the best family outings in my opinion. My heart was full! 

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