Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Ryan's Birthday

Ryan's Birthday Sundae at Hickory Park. Here it is, Halloween, and I'm posting about January 7. Yikes! 

Happy kiddos with ice cream! 

And of course a chocolate cake! Addison LOVES celebrating everyone's birthdays. She is constantly going through the calendar and listing everyone's birthdays in order. She is slightly disappointed that we don't do parties for everyone, she would love to party all the time. Ha! 

Silly boy in Addison's "teacher glasses"

My little point-guard! She said she didn't want to do basketball this year, but Mom and Dad told her she doesn't have a choice! Ha! I told her I will be her coach and that made her happy. 

She has made herself a list of things that she should work on each day after school. She doesn't go to daycare anymore, so she has some free time at home before we get home. She split the tasks out by days of the week. Some of her items are: push-ups, wall-sits, jumping jacks, bridges, splits, head stands, and of course reading books. 

 Mason was doing some farm work in his little room. He had to get some work done before he could go to bed this night! 

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