Monday, October 4, 2021

Mason's Baptism

I can't remember if we took a video of this time or not...... but Nolan comes around the corner and Mason instantly cries. Ha! Poor Nolan, he just wants to play!! Mason is a little over dramatic. 

But the other Lents kid LOVES Nolan. They get a long great. Nolan is two, but Addison talks to him and expects him to understand everything she means/says. She gets frustrated when he doesn't listen. She calls him "Buddy" a lot, it's pretty cute. 

Probably only the 2nd or 3rd family picture we have and Mason was a year old - ha! 

Mason likes these two a little more than Nolan :) Brayden loves to pick up or hold Mason. Ever since Mason was born, Brayden can't wait to get his hands on him when he sees him. 

We finally had Mason's baptism on Sunday May 23 at Lutheran Church of Hope in Ames with Pastor Danny. It was quite the stressful morning. The night before, about 11:30pm, Mason woke up throwing up. It was awful. The poor boy threw up more than I have ever seen a kid throw up, about every 15 minutes. It was awful and that is an understatement. It was actually scary (for me). It was so different than anything we had experienced. A sick kid is stressful enough, but it was the night before his baptism and we had already canceled once!

We were sooo nervous but thankfully the baptism is early in the service and we got through it! Whew! He did fine and even crawled around the church a little. Addison was pretty excited to go up front with us. 

Mason is now a child of God..... now we just have to go to church more. Yikes! He didn't even yell at Pastor Danny, thankfully. He has the highest pitch scream and he screams at everyone. Literally, everyone. He might not scream at my mom as much, but everyone else for sure. I'm glad he didn't scream during the baptism :) 

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