Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Just taking care of my horse

Addison loves her horse. She brushes it's hair, fiddles with all the tools, puts it in the trailer and then takes it back out. And most of all, she loves to bandage the horses legs. Ha! 

He had pulled himself up and was pretty pleased with himself, he reached up and grabbed some water bottles off the counter. He is into everything!

Went to get him from his nap, he was standing up and very excited to see me! This was back in June :) 

These two have a great time in the bounce house! We should get it out one more time this fall, Mason has changed so much in the last 6 weeks. He would probably be able to climb the "ladder" now. 

Just having a snack. Mason stole Addison's chair so we had to grab another one. As you can see Addison holding everything tightly, he was trying to steal the rest of her things as well! 

Addison had to stay home from school on the day the class was going on a picnic. She looked forward to every Wednesday to pack her lunch and go on a walk then a picnic. So that night, we packed a lunch box and went for a walk. 

Then came back to our house and had a picnic. Ha! She thought it was so fun and I thought it was a ton of work as I kept having to run in the house for something. Mason of course was like a caged animal let loose and dumped his plate, smashed Addison's sandwich, had humus all over (who gave him humus? dumb.) And he kept crawling away. Then he would come back to smash or steal more of Addison's food. No wonder his nickname is Wreck it Ralph. :) 

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