Friday, October 8, 2021

More Baptism

Photo with Grandpa Dale & Grandma Evonne

And Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron 

Addison told us last night that we need to have another kid so she could name it Grandma Rita because we didn't name Mason Grandma Rita like she wanted :) Haha! I can't believe she remembered that. She told us that we don't have a Grandma Rita at our house and we need one. Ha! Crazy kid. I need to do a better job of recording all the funny things she says :) 

And all the grandkids! 
Mason = 1 year
Makena = 15 
Addison = 5
Nolan = 2
Brayden = 9
Conner = 13
Parker = 13

Good group of kids!! It was so sunny they were struggling to keep their eyes open :) 

I try to get a photo of the 6 of us when I can. All these photos and I didn't get a good one of just me, Ryan, Addison and Mason. Oh well! 

Sneaking a finger into that cake..... 

Probably my favorite picture - we got an adorable smile out of Mason (which was hard that day) and then you see that little Nolan arm reaching out to get some cake..... or "Happy Day" as he calls it. That kids loves cake, or the idea of it!

Addison loves cake too, she was pretty excited. 

By all means possible...... 

See, I don't think he actually eats that much.... but he loves the idea of it! We had to hide the cake from him until we got back from church because once he knows it's there, he's relentless. But he's so cute :) 


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