Friday, October 15, 2021

Look at me climb!

It's crazy that this photo was taken when Mason was actively seeking out the stairs. At our old house, the stairs were down a hallway and around the corner from the kitchen. Addison never sought them out because she didn't want to leave the area we were in. Mason was NOT that way. He would frequently sneak away to the steps. Then he would think it's funny when you caught him. Ha! This boy is a climber for sure. 

He was 13 months in the this photo. He started off being really good about going down on his belly. Addison was very good at telling him "turn around" in a sweet high-pitch voice as he neared the stairs. She would start freaking out if he was within 6 feet of the stairs. She is always so worried about him!! She would to the stairs and sit on the top step to "block him". 

Just taking some laundry basket rides. Gave me a workout, those two are heavy! 

The beginning of June, Ryan's cousin Katie got married. Ryan's brother's family came back from CA. The day they got back, I was sick. Of course. I mean, like really sick, I had to ask the director of finance to work my event at work. It's bad when I have to ask for help and go home! Then everyone was at our house. It was a rough couple days for me! Then Mason got sick. Ugh. That was a long weekend but Addison stayed healthy and had a great time. She went to Dale & Evonne's farm one day and picked strawberries and climbed hay bales. 

Mason had a fever but we still got a photo with Aunt Cathy :) 

Christmas card photo for Evonne - it's a great one! 

Love this photo, she loves to pick up Mason. Now she carries him around. He's gotten used to it now, I think he actually likes it. Ha! 

This was by far the hottest wedding I've been to, it was miserable! But it was a beautiful location and a good time was had by all. The kids and I had to cut out early, poor Mason had a high fever and was miserable. :( 


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