Thursday, October 21, 2021

Water Play

I can't remember where Ryan and Addison were this night, I think swimming lessons. But Mason and I were "working" upstairs. He's normally pretty good, until he's not. Ha! Normally in the bathroom, he pulls the towels from rack, pulls things out of the shower, and plays in the drawer. I was probably doing laundry or vacuuming, and apparently he ran through the other activities fast. So he made his way to the toilet........ UGH. Yup I walked around the corner and found him leaning in the toilet. GROSS. 

Of course I swooped him up right away, dried him off and he was MAD. So, like the good mom I am, I put him back next to the toilet so I could take a picture and remember the moment. Ha! I mean, he already had his arm in the toilet, what's it matter if he did it again? Lol. So I took my photo and then vigorously washed his hands/arms. 

One more thing on the list of "Addison never did that" :) 

So we set him up with water he COULD play with! He left that hat on for a record three minutes. 

He was playing peek-a-boo. 

Pool time! It's October now and getting cold, but Addison is begging for the shark pool. I just put her in the bath tub instead (she normally takes showers). A week or so ago, I heard some massive splashing.....she was stretched out in the tub practicing her swimming moves. Ha! 

Hard to see, but Mason found an old remote in the toys and he was pointing it at the TV and pushing buttons. I think he thought he turned on Monsters University. 

 This drives Ryan nuts.... but I needed the kids entertained so I let them play in the Tupperware cupboard :) They thought his "hat" was pretty funny. 

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