Thursday, October 28, 2021

Officially on the Market

In the middle of June, we took the plunge and listed our house for sale. It was nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time. 

Attempted to take a family photo with the phone propped up on the stroller. Ha! The house was on the market a few weeks and we had some really last minute showings which resulted in some frantic cleaning. It's hard to keep the house clean with two kids and lots of activities! 

Had to commemorate a big step, first time Mason sat in the cart like a big kid. Addison thought it was pretty exciting. He tricked me. He was very well-behaved this trip. Which lead me to believe I could take him out of his car seat again. What a sucker I am........ haha 

We made the trip to Hurts Donuts as a little pre-Father's Day treat after T-ball. Mason unfortunately knows what donuts are thanks to his old daycare, so he demanded we share. 

We then completed the day with a few furniture/appliance stores and Addison was quite happy. She loves running around those stores. She opened and shut every washer/dryer door at Nebraska Furniture Mart. Ha! 

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