Saturday, October 16, 2021

Hiking and packing

We went to Hickory Park with Ryan's family. It was 95 degrees out and Addison told me she was cold and needed a jacket. She's got a little Grandma Rita in her! 

We went hiking out at Ledges park. Mason and I had to stay behind for part of it, but another area was a little more stroller friendly. 

Group picture! 

We put toys at the back of the chair to motivate him to climb up  - ha! Addison definitely was not able to climb like this kid! 

Right after the weekend for Katie's wedding and Brad coming back, we went to work cleaning and packing up the house! We had put an offer in on a house in Huxley and needed to get ours ready to list. The water table was a perfect entertainment for the kids while we packed up the trailer. 

We packed that trailer FULL. It was quite impressive. We wanted to pack the trailer before they took photos of the house so it didn't look so crowded, lol. Then mom and dad took it back to the farm until we moved. 


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