Saturday, October 9, 2021


My cute little t-ball player! We RUSHED to photos, I mean, I'm running with Addison to get in line for the photos. But we made it! I think it's pretty cute :) 

Can't find Addison? Look for the shortest one :) Ha! 

Mason watching his big sister play t-ball. He would clap sometimes. Mainly, he just got into his diaper bag and tried to crawl away. There was zero shade at the ballpark so I tried to put him in the shadow of the chair :) 

They all took turns playing first base. The players would field the ball and then throw it to first. 

This was from another day but Conner was fishing at the pond by the Ames house. Tracey and Mason walked down to see him. It's a pretty big one he caught! Mason wasn't sure what to think. The next week, we fed Mason goldfish in his high chair. He kept throwing them on the floor. We joked that he watched Conner throw fish back so he thought that's what he was supposed to do :) 


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