Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Twinkle Toes

Look at this happy little guy! 

Addison always helps with his photos and wants a picture with her little brother too. She calls him "buddy" and talks to him in a high pitch voice. 

Addison got this big Hershey's kiss from Valentine's Day. Her and Ryan were dying to eat it. I'm not sure which one was more excited! I'm not sure what is going on with the picture on the right, I think we told her to make a funny face and that's what we got. I would say that's a pretty funny face :) 

 Dance class! The City of Ankeny finally opened classes back up, so I got Addison signed up for Twinkle Toes. She was so excited! It was pretty cold outside and I found some leg warmers in her drawer. So we wore them to dance. Ha! 

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