Tuesday, May 18, 2021

First Day At Alissa's Daycare

Mason spent a week home with Ryan and I. Good thing too, he got a cold that week and probably couldn't have gone to daycare anyways! So then on March 8, it was his first day at Alissa's daycare. I was quite nervous. There are a bunch of kids at this daycare and she transports to school. Which means she loads all the kids up in the van. 

Mason cried when we left, it was quite hard. But Alissa sent us this picture and said he was doing fine. They were at a friend's house and he was playing with sidewalk chalk. Ryan and I immediately said "He definitely ate that chalk". Haha! 

Addison's favorite color is black. She frequently brings home pictures from school that look like this. Ha! I think she wore out her black marker at home. 64 colors and the black is wore out. Ha! 

This is how Mason drinks his water - "Look Ma no hands!"

Addison thought she was pretty funny, she wrapped Mason up in the blanket. 

I have a similar picture like this of Parker. Big head, blond hair, blue eyes, and dinosaur jammies. I need to find that picture of Parker, it's one of my favorites. 

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