Friday, May 7, 2021

Blast Off!!

Addison got a space ship tent from Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron for Christmas. She thinks it's super cool! It has all the buttons and gadgets for her to push as we are going up in space. There is also a dart board and a tic tac toe game for entertainment. We should have put her orange astronaut costume on!

Mason was having a good time as well!

Happy guy clapping his hands :) I loved those jammies, I think they are so cute! But I think kids in footie jammies is about the cutest thing. 

He threw his head back laughing, I got a good shot of all those teeth on the top. He got a bunch of teeth at the same time, then now it's been a few months since he's gotten any. He has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. He likes to use those teeth...... to bite. Ugh! He bites me quite a bit, usually when I'm holding him and he bites me on the shoulder. Sometimes he will try to bite our legs. He acts all nice and cuddly then chomps down. Ha! 


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