Friday, May 14, 2021

Basketball and KC

Early March, we started 4 year old girls basketball. We had no idea what to expect! That didn't matter, Addison was excited anyways. They did practice for about 10 minutes and then played a game. It was pretty low-key, as to be expected for 4 year old girls. 

Then after basketball, we headed to KC for Nolan's birthday party. Landon wasn't home when we got there, so I convinced Addison to pet Cooper and send Landon a picture. It took a bit and I might have offered a dessert, but I got her to do it. If she had to pick a favorite dog she knows, it would have to be Coop as he doesn't even lift his head. Ha! 

This flexible little guy was happy as a clam because he found some balls to play with at Nolan's house.

Nolan was pretty excited to see Mason. He came up and gave Mason a big squeeze. 

Mason clearly felt differently about seeing Nolan and did not appreciate his big squeeze. ha! I love the pictures - on the left he's crying and looking at me "Mom, help me!" and I continued to take pictures so you see him on the right, looking up at Ryan begging for help. As Nolan laughs. Haha! 


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