Monday, May 17, 2021

More fun with Nolan

Landon & Nicole got a new puppy the week before we visited. He was pretty small and his name is Thor. Mason wasn't so sure about Thor getting in his face, He cried after these photos. Ha! 

And then he probably cried again after Nolan's big squeeze. I think Nolan ended up laying on top of Mason. And Mason cried. Ha! 

Well, the sign of a good party. Addison fell asleep sitting up watching a movie. She had a great day! 

The next day, we went to Brayden's soccer game. It was super windy! Addison and Nolan had a good time chasing each other. They stopped for literally a half second and I wasn't quick enough to get the picture. Nolan was off! 

We bought Nolan a sit and spin that seats two people. Nolan figured out how to work it pretty quick. You can also hook a hose up to it and it sprays water everywhere. 

They waited to do cake until Sunday after lunch. It was a LONG 24 hours for Addison, having to wait so long for cake. HA! 

She said it was worth the wait - ha! She loves some cake. 

The three kiddos. I bet Mason wouldn't sit that close to Nolan without crying today - ha! 

 And this little dude was so nice to us. He was good on the way to and from KC. He slept the whole way home. Look at those cheeks! He is so sweet (when sleeping). It was a great trip to KC and Addison has been wanting to go back every since! 

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