Saturday, May 15, 2021

Nolan's Birthday Party

Nolan had his 2nd birthday party at "The Little Gym". There were so many fun activities for the kiddos! Addison was the perfect age, she had a good time. 

This is a super cool little place, Nolan is one lucky dude. 

They did so many fun little activities during the party for the kids. They called this the "tractor wheel". They rolled the kids and they then they flipped over and landed on the mat. I couldn't believe it, but Addison was ready to go right after Nolan! I assumed she would have hung back a little bit. 

And she flips over. She did this probably 5 times. She got down and went back to get in line again! 

This is one strong little dude! And he is completely fearless. 


And the best part of the night.... singing happy birthday, cookies, and balloons!! They were so excited. There were big cookies and smaller ones.....Addison for sure picked a bigger one! 

Video of Addison doing a flip. She didn't know what she was in for when the guy told her to climb up the wall. She was scared but tried to be brave after she landed. I love Nolan's excitement! 

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