Sunday, May 9, 2021

ISU Basketball

Due to COVID, we didn't have season basketball tickets to basketball this year. They were only letting in a small percentage of fans in. We bought tickets for 3 games this year. The first game, there was a blizzard so we stayed home. This was the second game we had tickets for. It had gotten rescheduled a few times due to COVID. 

"Date night" I guess. 

Lisa and Justin were kind enough to watch Addison & Mason :) We looked into buying Addison a ticket, but it would have been $45 per ticket and you had to buy two. Her and Violet are just under 2 years apart and the same size. Addison is just a little pipsqueak. 

Little buddy cuddling with Justin. 

Addison being protective of her brother. Henry and Violet were excited to have playmates. Violet enjoys baby Mason. Addison loves the fact that they have a trampoline in their basement, she thinks that is super cool! 

 Mason took a little snooze, Lisa and Justin took turns holding him :) Everyone loves a sleeping baby! 

Oh yea, the Cyclones got smoked. Ugh. But the kids had fun! 

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