Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Swimming lessons

It was lightly raining out and Addison was out playing in it. The she grabbed her rocking chair and took it to the front step. She told us she was going to sit there and watch the cars go by. Ha! 

Again, still a couple months behind on my posting. But I forgot about these photos already. Look at that smile! 

He has maintained his weight for a few months at 22.5 pounds. He was waking up 2-5 times a night at this point. He loved playing catch, playing with Addison and drinking water. He dislikes riding in the car (a lot). 

He's trouble. 

Addison starting swimming lessons! This year, we went to the Foss Swim School in Ankeny. Three kids to one teacher and parents don't get in the water. It's wonderful! 

 This crazy kid, licking his high chair. He was trying a French toast stick, he loved it. I mean, who wouldn't? I love French toast sticks. 

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