Tuesday, May 4, 2021

9 month appointment

This kid loves to play catch and wasn't going to give up the ball. 

Addison wanted Mason to sit with her, his face looks a little scared. As he should be. ha! 

At the doctor! At the 9 month appointment, we were told that he should be crawling (he wasn't) and he should be pulling himself up on things (he wasn't). So we got home and Ryan got to work. 

We go for his 12 month appointment tomorrow, and he is kind of crawling.... but not totally. He is scooting and rolling around, he's definitely getting to where he wants to be. But not crawling by formal definition. And he's not pulling himself to standing....he pulls up to his knees but that's it. We will see how "trouble" we are in tomorrow! 

 Little guy holding his bottle. We don't make him hold it, I don't mind it one bit. Bottles will be gone soon and I'm going to miss this time! 

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