Monday, May 31, 2021

Easter Cookies

We made some brightly colored Easter cookies. Addison wanted the job of spreading frosting this time, but she wasn't so sure about that job. She quickly switched back to sprinkles. Addison likes the bunnies, I think because they are so big! 

Addison loves to help Mason eat. Sometimes he eats better for her than he does for us! I can't remember what she was feeding him here. 

Be still my heart....... sometimes I wish I could freeze time. Moments like this when I get to hold my sleeping baby, watch TV and just relax. It's the best ever. 

It's harder to snap photos..... he's always moving! 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Easter Train & Donuts

Not a great photo, but I was trying to capture Mason doing the splits. This kid's flexibility is amazing. He can do the full splits, rotate his hips to lay down on the floor, then rotate his hips back and sit up again. It's amazing! And yes, he does lift the weights. 

Addison and I had a couple hours to ourselves..... we had gone to a glitter photo session and then went to the mall afterwards. I decided to let her ride the Easter train and she was so excited!! 

Then we stopped by Highland Bakery on our way home. We had never been there and heard the donuts are delicious. Apparently going at 11am is late, and there were only a couple left. But Addison was still excited and the donuts were pretty good. The employee said they open at 6am and there is a line around the block on Saturdays. We didn't get to try their famous champagne donuts, so I guess we have to go back sometime! 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

I think he was saying "I got your nose!" Ha! 

Addison had to scoot away, out of his reach. Addison was pretty excited for that St. Paddy's Day outfit that Grandma Rita bought her. Girl loves dresses and a scarf

Loving our holiday outfits! Addison was excited for St. Paddy's day but she didn't know why. She was just excited for a holiday. 

 We had her make us some green beer for supper and she made herself some green milk. St. Paddy's Day sure looks different than it did 10 years ago! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

At the park

We met the Nolting's and Thraen's at the miracle park in Ankeny, the kids had a blast! 

The boys were a little adventurous....... Caleb & Henry climbed the big slide. Henry was making faces at the kids going down the slide. Ha! 

Ryan on the swing with Addison & Caleb. Mason was sleeping :) 


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Swimming lessons

It was lightly raining out and Addison was out playing in it. The she grabbed her rocking chair and took it to the front step. She told us she was going to sit there and watch the cars go by. Ha! 

Again, still a couple months behind on my posting. But I forgot about these photos already. Look at that smile! 

He has maintained his weight for a few months at 22.5 pounds. He was waking up 2-5 times a night at this point. He loved playing catch, playing with Addison and drinking water. He dislikes riding in the car (a lot). 

He's trouble. 

Addison starting swimming lessons! This year, we went to the Foss Swim School in Ankeny. Three kids to one teacher and parents don't get in the water. It's wonderful! 

 This crazy kid, licking his high chair. He was trying a French toast stick, he loved it. I mean, who wouldn't? I love French toast sticks. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Last Dance Class

Addison's last night of dance, they got the parachute out. Everyone got a turn in the middle, this was Addison's turn. She was pretty excited. She says they have a parachute at the big school and she loves it. 

The whole class. Addison is 2nd from the left. She was supposed to wear yellow because they were dancing to a song from Beauty & the Beast. A too small dress was all we had! 


This is her final dance. Mason provided commentary. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

First Day At Alissa's Daycare

Mason spent a week home with Ryan and I. Good thing too, he got a cold that week and probably couldn't have gone to daycare anyways! So then on March 8, it was his first day at Alissa's daycare. I was quite nervous. There are a bunch of kids at this daycare and she transports to school. Which means she loads all the kids up in the van. 

Mason cried when we left, it was quite hard. But Alissa sent us this picture and said he was doing fine. They were at a friend's house and he was playing with sidewalk chalk. Ryan and I immediately said "He definitely ate that chalk". Haha! 

Addison's favorite color is black. She frequently brings home pictures from school that look like this. Ha! I think she wore out her black marker at home. 64 colors and the black is wore out. Ha! 

This is how Mason drinks his water - "Look Ma no hands!"

Addison thought she was pretty funny, she wrapped Mason up in the blanket. 

I have a similar picture like this of Parker. Big head, blond hair, blue eyes, and dinosaur jammies. I need to find that picture of Parker, it's one of my favorites. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

More fun with Nolan

Landon & Nicole got a new puppy the week before we visited. He was pretty small and his name is Thor. Mason wasn't so sure about Thor getting in his face, He cried after these photos. Ha! 

And then he probably cried again after Nolan's big squeeze. I think Nolan ended up laying on top of Mason. And Mason cried. Ha! 

Well, the sign of a good party. Addison fell asleep sitting up watching a movie. She had a great day! 

The next day, we went to Brayden's soccer game. It was super windy! Addison and Nolan had a good time chasing each other. They stopped for literally a half second and I wasn't quick enough to get the picture. Nolan was off! 

We bought Nolan a sit and spin that seats two people. Nolan figured out how to work it pretty quick. You can also hook a hose up to it and it sprays water everywhere. 

They waited to do cake until Sunday after lunch. It was a LONG 24 hours for Addison, having to wait so long for cake. HA! 

She said it was worth the wait - ha! She loves some cake. 

The three kiddos. I bet Mason wouldn't sit that close to Nolan without crying today - ha! 

 And this little dude was so nice to us. He was good on the way to and from KC. He slept the whole way home. Look at those cheeks! He is so sweet (when sleeping). It was a great trip to KC and Addison has been wanting to go back every since! 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Nolan's Birthday Party

Nolan had his 2nd birthday party at "The Little Gym". There were so many fun activities for the kiddos! Addison was the perfect age, she had a good time. 

This is a super cool little place, Nolan is one lucky dude. 

They did so many fun little activities during the party for the kids. They called this the "tractor wheel". They rolled the kids and they then they flipped over and landed on the mat. I couldn't believe it, but Addison was ready to go right after Nolan! I assumed she would have hung back a little bit. 

And she flips over. She did this probably 5 times. She got down and went back to get in line again! 

This is one strong little dude! And he is completely fearless. 


And the best part of the night.... singing happy birthday, cookies, and balloons!! They were so excited. There were big cookies and smaller ones.....Addison for sure picked a bigger one! 

Video of Addison doing a flip. She didn't know what she was in for when the guy told her to climb up the wall. She was scared but tried to be brave after she landed. I love Nolan's excitement!