Friday, January 3, 2020

Visit at the new school

Addison and I took a little visit to her new school. It was a hard day for me, and it was just a visit! There are 15 kids in the class and pretty much chaos. Ha! 

I tried to take a quick photo for Ryan as Addison was lining up with the other kids to go outside. She lined right up without instruction. I laughed at the other two boys behind her. Keep your hands to yourself..... haha! 

We hung out at the school for about 45 minutes. Prior to the visit, we had Addison pretty excited about her new school. Then after we left the school, she said "okay Mom, we went to my new school, can we go back to Shannons?" And that brought tears to my eyes! 

Out cruising on her new bike. 

We got out some board games and started teaching her. She caught on quick and loved CandyLand! 

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