Thursday, January 2, 2020

Last Day at Shannon's Daycare

Addison and her buddy Caleb - He's 6 months younger than her but quite a bit taller! And he's feet are bigger so we benefit from his hand-me down shoes.

May 21 was my 5 year anniversary at work this year. I spent two years as an event coordinator and now in my third year as the Director of Alumni Center. These 5 years have gone fast! I really enjoy my co-workers, staff, clients, and the flexibility of the position. I work a lot of crazy hours, but I also get some flexibility with Addison's sick days and getting days off. 

Well Shannon and I had a very sad day at the end of May. We made the decision in March to get Addison into the daycare center in town. Addison's best friend left Shannon's in January, and she was the oldest by a year. We thought she needed more of an educational structure. It was a hard decision to make but we knew it was the right one.

We bought Shannon a small gift and a big cookie for the family. I was pretty nervous about her holding this cookie for a photo. Ha! 

Last day at Shannon's with her friends. From left to right, Hazi, Addison, Weston, and Drake. 

Addison and Shannon playing with her phone and snap chat.

She was happy in this photo but the poor kid had no idea what's coming. :( It was a sad day for me and Shannon. We cried. Ha! We have loved our time at Shannon's!! Addison had so much fun with her and her family. We talk about her family a lot and have stopped by to see her a few times. 

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